What Brock Sees Funny Brock Memes
Everyone who's even vaguely familiar knows that the original Rock-type gym leader, Brock, has a bit of a checkered past despite being one of the main three characters in the Pokémon series.
While Ash is the main protagonist, Brock and Misty accompany him on his various travels as he wanders across the land, searching deep and wide, on a quest of magnificent scope to find and catch every type of Pokémon that exists. While Brock is a pretty morally upstanding member of the community in general, he's kind of a notorious creep and he's definitely engaged in a few other unsavory actions. Maybe some other companions hold up better.
9 Watched Red & Green From Afar In Pokémon: Origins

Pokémon: Origins was a 4-episode miniseries that aired in 2013, in which the viewer revisits some of the adventures that our original trio of protagonists went on. While for the most part, it's a familiar return to childhood for the viewer who watched the originalPokémon: Indigo League, it does have its moments. In fact, this may just be Brock at his creepiest, watching the protagonists Red and Green argue from the woods, giving birth to a rash of memes that point out how weird he's being.
8 Serenaded Two Girls At Once

While generally being serenaded by a love interest is an incredibly sweet display of affection in most instances, it's not really as cute when it's coming from someone who's spent all of their interactions with desperate pleas to the point where their friend has to drag them away by the ear. There are two glaring issues with this whole situation, one of them being that the song happens way too many times, in around 10 different episodes, and he generally sings it to both Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny at once. That can't feel very special.
7 Referred To His Rice Balls As Jelly-Filled Donuts

To be entirely fair, this one wasn't Brock's fault. It's pretty much the fault of studio executives who decided that English-speaking people don't really need to be interacting with other cultures, to the point where they censor the name of a food.
Fearing that Americans and other English-speaking children wouldn't know what onigiri was, or that they couldn't guess due to context clues, they changed an item from "onigiri" to a "jelly-filled donut", despite the fact that it still appears to be obviously not a sugary treat.
6 Motives Behind Becoming A Pokémon Doctor

This one is up to a bit of speculation due to the fact that it's not immediately inconsistent with Brock's general temperament, but at the same time, it's a little suspicious when one considers that perhaps Brock has ulterior motives. Brock has always been super caring towards Pokémon of any variety, so it only makes sense that he'd want to be a Pokémon doctor, but who would a Pokémon doctor be particularly close to? Yes. That's correct. All the Nurse Joys of his wildest dreams.
5 Had To Be Scolded By His Own Crogunk

While it's usually Misty who drags Brock away from women when he's being particularly uncomfortable towards them, that isn't always the case. In the show, when Brock has a Croagunk, there are multiple occasions where even a Pokémon realizes that its trainer is up to no good, and attacks him.
One of the worst parts about Brock being attacked by his own Pokémon is that it's not just his Croagunk who sees the fault in its trainer. He's pretty frequently been physically harmed by his other Pokémon for being a bit of a weirdo.
4 His The Little Blue Book Of Babes

This particular fact about Brock might just be the most immediately undeniable evidence of the fact that he's gone entirely too far in his obsession with random women he encounters throughout the series. Brock admits to the fact that he keeps a little blue book in his pocket at all times eventually, which might be assumed to be perhaps a journal or an innocent notebook, but no. It's a list of literally every woman he's ever met or interacted with, kept entirely up to date, all the time. That's certified crazy person behavior.
3 Keeping A Book Filled With Pictures Of Olivia

Olivia has been cited for some reason by a lot of people as someone who's had a more wholesome relationship with Brock, but that's not particularly accurate. Brock kept a whole book of pictures of a woman named Olivia that he was obsessed with, and then basically tracked her down when he finally got over to the Alola region.
When he was confronted about how weird his behavior was by his companions, he had the nerve to say that his absolutely stalker-like behavior must have been an act of fate.
2 Used A Creepy Pick-Up Line On Giselle

Brock isn't entirely alone in his absolute infatuation with this character, but that doesn't really make the way he handled his feelings any more mature or appropriate. When the group goes to a Pokémon school, they're approached by a young boy who carries a photo of a girl he attends the school with who's basically the valedictorian. Brock and Ash spend a solid amount of time ogling her, after which Misty storms off. Brock then says a pick-up line that's equal parts confusing and uncomfortable, which is "She can violate my rights if..." No one knows or wants to know how that quote would end.
1 Ulterior Motives As A Pokémon Breeder

This one is again based on a bit of speculation, but tons of people in fan forums and in the Pokémon community at large have noticed something pretty strange about one of Brock's potential career paths, which is his plan aside from possibly becoming a Pokémon doctor. This other career path that he'd like to follow is becoming a Pokémon breeder. This sounds innocent enough given the fact that he'd rather care for Pokémon than engage in battle any day. But knowing Brock's general tendencies, it feels more than a little weird, and could very easily be an inside joke between writers.
Source: https://www.cbr.com/pokemon-anime-brock-worst-ignored-things/
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